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Alternative Dispute Resolution Services

Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) has become a primary vehicle upon which today’s businesses rely to solve commercial claims.  ADR offers businesses a cost-effective and efficient means to resolve disputes and permits the parties to determine a settlement value that reflects the amount that will be of overall economic benefit to them.  RLG can either represent you in cases in which mediation and arbitration would be in your best interests or, if we are not serving as your counsel, we can serve as mediators for the ADR proceeding.

RLG’s affiliated lawyers have successfully settled numerous disputes through ADR proceedings, such as arbitration and mediation.  RLG professionals bring an interdisciplinary approach to the ADR process.  Based upon their prior professional experience, whether as mediator or advocate, they can effectively communicate with all constituents in the process because they understand the perspectives each brings to the table, e.g., the client, the plaintiff, the corporate executive, company personnel, the parties’ counsel, and the company’s chief legal officer.



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